Blackfeet Tribal Members Believe Libraries are Important for Their Future

Jimi, Browning elementary school librarian, believes their reading scores are so low because of a mix of poverty, distance from libraries, adult illeteracy, and too assertively trying to force students to read.

Shonti believes books and libraries are essential to her and her son’s future.

Kyle saw that the kids who read a lot when they were children went to college. Those who did not did not.

Reading Nation Presents Poster at TCLI – 6/4/18

Reading Nation presented our poster at the Tribal College Library Institute (TCLI) held at Montana State University. Aaron LaFrombosie and Loriene Roy attended in person while Anthony Chow joined virtually from Greensboro, NC.

As part of our presentation we asked attendees to respond to a quick poll to test whether some of our guiding assumptions were generalizable to other tribal nations.

Of our five assumptions, attendees supported the notion that these issues could be applied to other tribal nations as well:

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